Setting the Bangalore's clock involves setting first the day of the week and then the time.
First, make sure the Bangalore is in Off Mode. To do this, hold the ADVANCED PROGRAM button until the screen shows OFF and the time that it currently thinks it is
e.g. OFF 08:00
Hold the PROGRAM button until the screen shows PROGRAM.
Tap the PROGRAM button repeatedly until the screen shows SET TIME.
Tap the OK button. The screen will show the day of the week and the time in DAY.HOUR.MINUTES format
e.g. D MO.08.00
The "D" at the start shows that you’re going to change the day of the week. The next two letters represents the day of the week of. This is followed by the time in 24-hour format. The example above shows the Bangalore currently thinks it’s Monday and the time is 8am.
Tap the PLUS + and MINUS - buttons until the screen shows the correct day:
MO = Monday
TU = Tuesday
WE = Wednesday
TH = Thursday
FR = Friday
SA = Saturday
SU = Sunday
Once it shows the correct day of the week, tap the PROGRAM button. The screen will change to show H, indicating that you’re about to change the hour of the time
e.g. H MO.08.00
Tap the PLUS + and MINUS - buttons until the screen shows the correct hour of the day. Note that the time is shown in 24-hour format.
When you’ve set the hour, tap the PROGRAM button. The screen will show M, indicating that you’re about the change the minutes of the time
e.g. M MO.15.00
Tap the PLUS + and MINUS - buttons until the screen shows the correct minutes. When finished, tap the OK button. The screen will show SET TIME.
Tap the PROGRAM button repeatedly until the screen shows EXIT.
Tap the OK button. The Bangalore will return to Off Mode and the screen will show OFF and the time you've just set
e.g. OFF 15:20