If you're programming your Bangalore to change how often it fires, you'll need to program how many salvos it fires every half an hour.
A salvo can be thought of as a group of bangs.
The Bangalore's whole 24-hour day is split up into 48 half-hour slots. You can program how many salvos, or group of bangs, you want the Bangalore to fire during each half-hour slot.
You can program the Bangalore to fire 0, 1, 2 or 3 salvos, or groups of bangs, in any half-hour slot.
We recommend that you program 0 salvos in half-hour slots during hours of darkness to comply with the NFU's guidelines. This way, your Bangalore won't be programmed to fire at night.
Note that the Bangalore decides at random when to fire its salvos during the half-hour slot. They may sometimes be bunched closer together than at other times. Also, you may get salvos firing towards the end of one half-hour slot and then get more salvos firing towards the start of the next half-hour slot. This random firing helps keep the birds guessing and stops them becoming used to the sound.
When programming your salvos, remember though to keep the NFU's guidelines in mind.
Once you've programmed how many salvos you want to fire in each half-hour slot, then you need to set the firing pattern. See "What are "Firing Patterns"?" for more information.